Henry's Tempeh Recipes

Whether you’re in a hurry or have lots of time on your hands we have the perfect recipe for your breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Not sure where to start? Browse or search our whole recipe selection below.

Tempeh Crumble
Henry's Tempeh Jerk Recipe

Henry’s Tasty Jerk Tempeh

We recommend this tempeh recipe in a wrap or a sandwich, or garnish with chopped cilantro and serve as a side with rice and beans. Alternatively, use one of our other flavours and see which you love the most!

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Henry's Tempeh Tacos

Henry’s Tasty Tempeh Tacos

This recipe is among one of our favourites here at Henry’s Tempeh and we recommend it with either Taco Shells or Tortillas. Tempeh works extremely well as a ground-beef replacement and is commonly used as such in Tacos, but one can apply this recipe to other dishes as desired.  And don’t forget, how you eat Tacos is part of the tradition!

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Phone: 519-489-0779
Email: henry@tempeh.ca
13-65 Trillium Park Place, Kitchener, ON
MON-FRI 09:00 - 17:00 ET